Turku Cathedral
Thursday 21 March 2024 at 7 pm

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Musicians of the King’s Road
Anthony Marini, concertmaster
Valentina Ferrarese, mezzo-soprano

Early Music Day – Birthday of Johann Sebastian Bach

To celebrate the Early Music Day, Musicians of the King’s Road performs a programme with rarely heard music by the Neapolitan composer Andrea Falconieri. The ensemble also includes a rare historical instrument, the lirone.

Passacalle (Passacaglia)
Sinfonia quarta à 3
Bocca ridente
Canzone à 3 detta L’Infante Arcibizzarra
Dite, che v’ho fatt’io

Battalla de Barabaso yerno de Satanas
Maddalena chiedendo a Dio pietade
La Monarcha
Sinfonia seconda à 3
Occhi belli, occhi cari, occhi amorosi
La Gioiosa Fantasia à due Violini
E vivere, e morire

Tickets: 25 € + possible service fee

Advance booking:

Turku Cathedral information, phone +358 40 341 7100

Tickets can also be bought directly from the Musicians of the King’s Road: info@kuninkaantienmuusikot.fi or phone 0400 495 935.

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