Turku Cathedral
Friday 6 January 2023 at 7 p.m.

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The concert was recorded and is available on Yle Areena until May 7, 2023.

Musicians of the King’s Road 15 years

Michele Vannelli (Bologna), conductor
Sonia Tedla (Bologna), soprano

Giuseppe Corsi da Celano:
Tre motetti nel tempo della peste (Three plague motets)
Missa “La Luna piena” a otto voci (Mass “The full moon”)

Michelangelo Rossi: Nona toccata

Heu, nos miseros à 9 (Plague motet I)

Missa “La Luna piena” à 8: Kyrie

Missa “La Luna piena” à 8: Gloria

Bernardo Pasquini: Capriccio in G Sol Re Ut

Missa “La Luna piena” à 8: Credo

Cantate Domino à voce sola (solo motet)

Missa “La Luna piena” à 8: Sanctus

Bernardo Pasquini: Elevazione. Adagio

Missa “La Luna piena” à 8: Agnus Dei

O quam suavis est à voce sola (solo motet)

Adoramus te, Christe à 4 (Plague motet II)

Stella cæli à 8 (Plague motet III)


Giuseppe Corsi da Celano:
The Plague Motets – Premier performance in Finland

The World Health Organization, WHO, declared the coronavirus a pandemic on March 11, 2020. To date, more than six million people have died as a result of COVID-19. Europe experienced a plague pandemic from the end of the 17th century to the beginning of the 18th century. During that pandemic, three timelessly beautiful motets were composed. Musicians of the King’s Road performs these rare motets to commemorate those who have died from COVID-19.

The concert is recorded and will later be broadcast by Yle Radio 1

Tickets: 23 € + possible service fee

Advance booking:

Turku Cathedral information, phone +358 40 341 7100

Tickets can also be bought directly from the Musicians of the King’s Road: info@kuninkaantienmuusikot.fi or by phone +358 400 495 935.

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