Musicians of the King’s Road
Anthony Marini, primo violino
Alessandra Talamo, violino principale
One of the most famous compositions of all times is Antonio Vivaldi’s group of four violin concertos, Le Quattro Stagioni, The Four Seasons. In 2025, 300 years will have passed since the work was published. Musicians of the King’s Road performs all four concertos on period instruments. The soloist is the Italian violinist Alessandra Talamo.
Tickets: (Please note that ticket sales in Turku Cathedral has not started yet.)
Three different types of tickets are sold to the concert: white, green, and red tickets. The seats in the Cathedral are divided into three areas by these colours. The seats within each area are unnumbered.
White ticket (25,00 e + possible service fee), fixed pews.
Green ticket (40,00 e + possible service fee), chairs in the front part of the church.
Red ticket (65,00 e), a separate area right in front of the performers. This special ticket is not for sale at the Ticketmaster outlets. It can only be bought directly from the Musicians of the King’s Road. The ticket includes a private event before the concert.
The colour shows the seating area in the church.
Advance booking:
Turku Cathedral information, phone +358 40 341 7100
Tickets can also be bought directly from the Musicians of the King’s Road: or by phone +358 400 495 935.